This episode addresses Learning vs. RE-learning,  YOUR truth vs. THE truth, and the best type of questions you should be asking yourself (and your students) right now.  Epiphany chaser, teacher, re-learner, and dance extraordinaire Dominique Kelley joins us to shine the light exactly where it...

This episode is a workshop.  A guided meditation (if meditation is a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject)  but really, it is an opportunity to show yourself yourself. It is designed for participation.  Oh, and grab a pen/paper, recorder, because I...

I’ve been using Zoom for over a year (for non-dance related meetings)  but I’ve been teaching dance classes on Zoom for about 10 weeks now.  I have learned A LOT, and let me tell you, there’s a lot to learn! Yes, there are a handful of...

Travel hack attack! Episode 7 is all about my tried and true tricks for travel.  It’s the what, the why and the HOW I pack, and the sweet secrets that can make a work weekend feel like a holiday! SHOW NOTES Quick Links: Words That Move Me Amazon...