14 Jul Ep. #81 So, You Need Surgery… Now What?

If you know me, then you know I LOVE to talk (hence Podcast 😉 ). From teaching and coaching, to rehearsing and working on sets, my voice is a key part of how I make my living, and it distinguishes me from everyone else… So, you might imagine how I felt when I got the news that I needed surgery to remove a “massive” cyst in my vocal cord. This episode offers a peek into how I am preparing for my surgery, and an 8 step process you can use if you or a loved one wind up on the receiving end of news like this.
Tiler Peck’s Episode: https://www.thedanawilson.com/podcast/ep-13-winning-even-when-youre-down-with-tiler-peck
Raab Stevenson’s Episode: https://www.thedanawilson.com/podcast/ep-50-vocal-coach-to-the-stars
Freeing the Natural Voice by Kristin Linklater: https://amzn.to/3hyDRYA
Dr Shawn Nasseri: https://www.nasserimd.com/press/
Adele Cabot Voice Coach: https://adelecabot.com/
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