14 Apr Ep. 68 FOMAD (Fear of Making a Decision)

This episode is a response to something I have noticed coming up A LOT lately. I’m calling it FOMAD (Fear of Making a Decision), but you can call it whatever you’d like. I created this acronym to address the feeling of immobilization that comes along with thinking: “It’s HARD to choose a path when I don’t know exactly where I’m going and I have so many interesting paths ahead of me!”
Let’s uncover how having many different interests is a STRENGTH not a weakness, and let’s find the adventure in GOING at our own pace… even if we don’t know exactly where we are going.
Quick Links:
The Clown School: https://www.theclownschool.com/
Cat Meme: https://www.thedanawilson.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/IMG_1343.jpg
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