30 Nov 151. Q&A (Decisions & Quitting & Music Videos, Oh My!)

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You brought the Qs, I’ve got the A’s!
Here’s what you’ll learn in this week’s episode:
- What dancers aren’t taking advantage of that could book them more work
- Where I think you need to live to do what we do
- The (long) list of music videos I wish I was in and why
- My favorite gig
- How I deal with perfectionism and jealousy
- Two great resources for burnout
- How hard it was for me to get my first gig
- What I would tell my 12 year old self if I ran into her today
- My thoughts on motivation (hint: it’s not what you think)
- What it was like working with Austin Butler and Justin Timberlake
- A stellar tool for making big decisions
Show Notes:
Van Neistat on Why Veteran Artists Don’t Quit
Van Neistat on Burnout
Watch the raggle taggle dance hour
Listen to ep #147 Audition Burnout
Listen to ep #83 How I Make Big Decisions
Music Videos:
Cold Hearted Snake by Paula Abdul
Rhythm Nation by Janet Jackson
Slave For You by Britney Spears
Get Your Freak On by Missy Elliott
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